Before time slips away...
A dance piece on infinity
26.11.2022 | 7 pm | Feinmechanik, Wilhelmshöher Alle 174
Ben McArthur and Angela Elsa Reimuth
Is then the same as now and later? A condition under which I exist, existed and presumably will exist and from a certain point on slowly dissolve, disintegrate without the conditions changing...?
The dancer Angela Elsa Reimuth and the musician Ben McArthur invite you to leave your sense of time at the doors of precision mechanics in this two-part evening of dance and music and to enter a space in which time can be thought in new dimensions. After the installation dance performance, spherical guitar sounds and dark rhythms from the loop station invite the audience to dance themselves.
Concept & dance: Angela Elsa Reimuth
Sound and concert: Ben McArthur
Admission: 15 euros | reduced 10 euros
Performance 7 - 8.30 p.m. | Concert 9 - 11 p.m.
Community Company Kassel,
open dance training and piece development,
18.00-19.30 Open training,
19.30-21.00 Piece development,
every Monday in the rooms of Studio Lev, Kurt-Schuhmacher-Str. 29, 34117 Kassel
Direction: Agnetha Jaunich
The Community Company Kassel is a transgenerational dance offer for all people from the age of 16. The open training is based on contemporary dance, dance improvisation and physical theatre and takes place regularly on Mondays. Twice a year the company creates its own stage productions, which are developed in a joint process. The Community Company invites all people who enjoy movement to try it out. Previous dance experience is not necessary.
in the long run
a long duration performance
resisted and recurring. like the roar of the surf. further and yet unchanged.
in times of amusement and crisis, duration and recurrence are confrontational.
in the long run is a long duration performance over 7 hours.
the time: a phenomenon with no end in sight.
analogue: the crisis with no end in sight.
the long-term performance invites you to linger and take in the time.
the spectators themselves decide how long they will be present.
and about the time of their return.
a work by martinafischer13 and bettina helmrich
Admission 15 euros / 10 euros reduced
Time: Saturday, August 13th, 2022 from 5 p.m. to midnight. during the 7 hours the room can be left and re-entered. There are 20 places that can be filled.
location: sozo Hall 2, Grüner Weg 15 - 17, Kassel,
advance booking is requested: tel. 0561-705 505 85 or email