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Tanzhaus temporar N°2

Premiere Thu 24.11.2022 | further Fri 25/Sat 26.11.2022 | 19:30 h | Wolfsschlucht 18A Kassel

With Tanzhaus temporär N°2 - a performance project by the Kassel dancers under the direction of Antje Pfundtner - tanz*werk kassel continues its series of temporary dance houses, which began in September with the performance walk "Ophelia- oder die Welt ist aus den Fugen" in Bergpark. Since the actual venue - Dock 4 - is not available to the dancers due to the documenta, we are once again switching to another location - an empty shop. 12 dancers from the independent Kassel dance scene will perform in the space under the premise How to share a space? The independent dance scene in Kassel, which is characterised by its diversity in terms of both artistic creation and age structure, will work together on this project in a creative collaboration. An exciting approach that juxtaposes different artistic positions, connects them or brings them into a different context.

Antje Pfundtner has lived and worked as a choreographer in Hamburg since 2001. In addition to her solos, which she has danced herself and which have been shown all over the world, all of which have been invited to the DANCING PLATFORM GERMANY (very recently, her 2019 solo "Sitzen ist eine gute Idee" will be shown at the DANCING PLATFORM GERMANY 2022 in Berlin), numerous group and collaborative projects as well as commissioned works have been created, whereby the choreographer always works across different genres. Antje Pfundtner and her company were honoured with the George Tabori Main Prize in 2016 and with the DER FAUST Theatre Prize in 2020 in the category "Directing Children's and Youth Theatre". In addition, APiG was awarded the honour of the German Dance Prize for "outstanding artistic developments" in 2020.

Artistic director: Antje Pfundtner

Performers: Gabriela Branco, Hannah Breuker, Velia Hahnemann, Bettina Helmrich, Agnetha Jaunich, Chiara Leonardi, Aurora Magri, Deborah Smith-Wicke, Mareike Steffens,Christa Stöffelbauer, Dalia Velandia, Heike Wrede
Project organisation: Rosalie Kubny

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© tanz * werk kassel 2020

Funded by TANZPAKT Stadt-Land-Bund with the support of the German Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media.

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