Tanzhaus temporär N°3
Phoenix oder das Weitertragen des Feuers
17.02. - 19.02.2023
Kulturhaus Dock 4 Kassel
The third edition of the Tanzhaus temporär series of events at tanz*werk kassel presents four different performances that deal with the themes of history/traditions, memory and the body as an archive in movement. The lecture performance Along the lines explores the question "What are our roots in dance? Based on their own dance history, the dancers/choreographers Eva Karczag and Bettina Neuhaus deal with the influences, inspirations, collaborations, methods and somatic approaches in their long-standing artistic work.
Using the body as an archive of choreographed movement is the starting point of Ilana Reynolds' performance 'what she remembers ...'. Dalia Velandia's performance 'knitting my portrait' has to do with the traditions of her homeland Colombia and the personal history of women. The fourth piece in Tanzhaus temporär N°3 'Could you stay for tea' by Aura Antikainen deals with experience/memory written into the body.
In all the performances of this dance house, tradition and history are understood as the carrying on of the fire and not the keeping of the ashes.
Tanzhaus temporär N°3 promises an exciting programme that will stimulate discussion and new experiences in a variety of ways.
Tickets at the box office or via our ticket area
Tanzhaus-temporär ticket for 3 events: 38€ | reduced 30€
Single ticket: 16€ | reduced 12€
*Reservations: info (at) tanzwerk-kassel.de
17.02.2023 | 19:30 h | 19.02.2023 | 11:30 h| Dock 4 Halle | Karl-Bernhardistr.

Along the Lines
The lecture/performance 'Along the Lines' is an ongoing artistic project conceived and developed by dance artists Eva Karczag and Bettina Neuhaus.
Writings, interviews, photographs, audio recordings and videos arranged in space create a multi-directional map of artists, methods, concepts and events. A web of connections is uncovered that has enabled the mutual exchange of knowledge, skills and inspiration between places, people and times.
Before and after the lecture, the audience can explore the material that forms the map in their own time.
Performers: Eva Karczag, Bettina Neuhaus
Admission 16€ | 12€ reduced
Duration 2 hours
18.02.2023 | 19:30 h | Dock 4 Deck 1 | Oberste Gasse 1

what she remembers.....
With each crack of a bone or twitch of a muscle, I reach further to what lies between the movements– past reflections, comments, and feedback, trickle back into my body. We have been together before.
A solo that exposes the physical and affective archive found in the body over time, what she remembers.... explores the layers of memory and the space between what is forgotten, what remains, and what emerges through the act of remembering.
Dance: Ilana Reynolds
Choreography: Christine Brunel (1987) Title: Woman with Blue Ball

knitting my portrait
I knit plants, I braid my hair, and I understand all the wisdom of weaving, of making with my hands.I knit in my hands the waste of a rich Germany, a country full of much material wealth. I pick up clothes on the street. I pick up the consumer dissatisfaction that is reflected in overproduction. I come from a recycling society. I come from a country where some people throw away objects and clothes just because they are ugly. In my country we are a society where everything is recycled because there is no money to buy new things or things that are in fashion. Buying is the luxury of the rich. Recycling is our duty.
Concept + dance: Dalia Velandia
Admission 16€ | 12€ reduced
19.02.2023 | 19:30 Uhr | Dock 4 Deck 1 | Oberste Gasse 1

Could you stay for tea?
Could you stay for tea? is the resolution of almost a year of research and ongoing work by Aura Antikainen. Throughout 2021, beginning with a mentorship programme at Nuova Officina Della Danza with Sita Ostheimerbut ending with DIS-DANCE SOLO research funding, Antikainen has been exploring the physical effects of the changing environment on the body and its intuitive movements in relation to the environment. This tea invitation is intended to give space to the feeling of being lost in the fullness, imaginary limitations and real constraints of space and time.
Could you stay for tea? is a collaboration between Antikainen and musician Luca Hettling, with dramaturgical and choreographic support by Rosalie Kubnyand lighting design by Iria Arenas.
Performers: Aura Antikainen, Luca Hettling
Admission 16€ | 12€ reduced
18.02.2023 | 10:30 h - 12:30 h | Sozo Halle 2 | Grüner Weg 15 - 17
Introduction to the Skinner Releasing Technique™.
with Bettina Neuhaus
The Skinner Releasing Technique™ (SRT) developed by the American dancer Joan Skinner is a holistic, experiential method that stimulates and promotes both dance technique and creativity. It is based on the principle of sensing tensions in the body and mind, releasing them and letting the energy that is released flow into movement and dance. Visualisation and physical experience of poetic images, bodywork and improvisation enable a dynamic approach to the uprightness of the body and open up noticeably greater freedom, lightness, strength and presence in movement and stillness. www.bettinaneuhaus.com
Cost: €30 | €25 reduced