Tanzhaus temporär N°9
Raum für...
19.4. - 21.4.2024
Kulturhaus Dock 4
Curator: Verena Piwonka
The ninth Tanzhaus Temporär focuses on the theme of space. How do we perceive space? How much space do we give ourselves and others? How do we fill and how do we (endure) space?
The three dance and performance pieces ρυτίδες - rytídes, Sie starb und sie lebte. Ein Solo-Tanzstück. and FLABBERGASTED take up and play with space in very different ways. The two workshops arrive & unfold and Raumaufmerksamkeit complement the festival and invite participants to explore their own creativity and physicality.
Tickets at the box office or via our ticket area
Tanzhaus-temporär ticket for 3 events: 38€ | reduced 30€
Single ticket | Double evening: 16€ | reduced 12€
*Reservations: info@tanzwerk-kassel.de
Fr 19.4.2024 | 20 Uhr | Kulturhaus Dock 4 – Halle

ρυτίδες – rytídes
As a child, I pulled laundry with my mother so that it could be stacked in the wardrobe as wrinkle-free as possible after ironing.We also try to avoid wrinkles on our faces.
Wrinkles stand for age, for untidiness ...Entire landscapes are created by folding layers of earth. Mountains are formed by the folding of tectonic plates.Insects fold and unfold their wings...And life experiences, vitality and movement in themselves leave folds.
What happens inside shells, cocoons, mountains? What has developed in secret?
Concept & choreography: Heike Wrede
Dance & choreographic co-design: Christa Stöffelbauer, Deborah Smith-Wicke
With the kind support of the Cultural Office of the City of Kassel, Hessian Ministry of Science and Art, SOZO visions in motion, Deborah Smith-Wicke
Sat. 20.4.24 l 16:00-17:30h l Dock 4 Halle

arrive & unfold mit Rosalie Kubny
In this workshop, we will arrive at ourselves in order to unfold. We will become quiet in order to be loud. We become quiet in order to move. We sink into ourselves to express ourselves. We start with the basic notion of arriving: arriving in this place, in this moment, in your body, in everything that is present for you. We create an awareness of what is. We dive deep, letting things go until we reach a point of connection.
From there we begin to move, we begin to explore. We start from the beginning. We start with what is and let that influence our movements, our being, our body, our creativity. From this moment of arrival, we begin to move and improvise.
This workshop is based on the play development methods of She Died and She Lived. We will combine meditation practice with movement practice and improvisation.
Sat. 20.4.24 l 20:00h l Dock 4 Studiobühne Deck 1

Sie starb und sie lebte. Ein Solo-Tanzstück.
She died and she lived and died and lived again. It is a cycle. Every breath, every moment, every day, every passage, our lives. We end where we started in order to start again, slightly changed. We embark on a journey, a search. The answers lie hidden deep at the bottom of our hearts and souls.
This play is a journey. It is their journey, which could be ours.
Artistic direction & concept: Rosalie Kubny
Dance & performance: Mareike Steffens Lighting design: Iria Arenas

Raumaufmerksamkeit - Workshop with Benjamin Porps
The perception of the space and the approach to the surrounding world influences the
impact of the dancer on the audience.
Based on the categories of space and propulsion in the Laban movement studies, we explore the possibilities of interacting with the space around us. By playing with space, we develop creative movement material and investigate the interplay between our own perception and presence.
Benjamin Porps is a Certified Laban Movement Analyst and uses the methods of Laban Movement Studies primarily in artistic, theater and dance pedagogical work with young people.
Sun. 21.4.24 l 18:00h l Dock 4 Studiobühne Deck 1

an improvised dance performance inspired by random, heartwarming and amazing messages from the so-called space of the internet, as well as Bonnie Tyler. "Because every now and then I fall apart..." and "I don't know what to do I'm always in the dark." Come along and watch FLABBERGASTED, "because I need you more than ever..."
Concept, choreography & performance: Karlotta Frank, Sawako Ogo