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Beyond the visible...
Somatic Exploration and Dance

curated by Heike Wrede


Everything begins with the body: every gesture, every expression, every movement, every touch... The language of the body is an almost universal language. Seeing and feeling each other and establishing a connection to one's own history is deeply human.

The temporary dance house N° 12 of the tanz*werk Kassel focuses on the connection between somatic and artistic practice in dance. Somatic methods are body-centered and work on training body awareness, touch and movement. In the dialogue between body and mind, insights are gained into the interplay of psychological and physical processes.

The aim is to understand how the body can perceive and become conscious of previously unconscious patterns of movement and behavior through targeted attention training. The connection between the personal/private and the performing body, the interweaving of somatic exploration with artistic questions is a complex process. This is reflected in the complexity of dance (both improvised and choreographed) and offers the dancer freedom of choice in what they do.

In the attempt to grasp something, contact is created between the choreography, the dancers and the audience. The space of meaning can be different for the dancers and the audience and goes beyond the phenomenological space. New connections and meanings arise that can only be brought into the stage space through the experiences of the dancers.

The experience goes beyond what is known and identifiable. By changing the context, something new can emerge that is more than the sum of its parts.

The performances, the workshop and the film provide an insight into various forms of artistic work in which somatic experiences form the starting point or are the basis for research.


Tickets at the box office or via ticket area


Tanzhaus temporary ticket for 2 Performances and Film: 35 euros | reduced 28 euros
Single ticket / double evening: 16 euros | reduced 12
Workshop 25 euros | reduced 20 euros
Film : Informations a
nd Tickets at
Party: Free entry





Fri. 18.10.2024 | 7.30 pm | Kulturhaus Dock 4 - Halle | Karl-Berhardi-Str.

at any point …


An incalculable number of causal lines must intersect for a certain event to occur, and the intertwining of the cause-effect chains is so indissoluble that the event itself can be called both coincidence and necessity.
Jean Amèry

Every moment contains an infinite number of possibilities. However, once a start has been made and a decision has been made, the number of possibilities is reduced. A necessary consequence arises.

The two performers explore the question of how the body makes perception-oriented decisions. They surprise each other with unusual solutions and give the course of the piece unpredictable twists.

Performance: Bettina Neuhaus (NL), Bettina Helmrich

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Sat. 19.10.2024 | 11am-1pm | Kulturhaus Dock 4 - Halle | Karl-Berhardi-Str.

Ecosomatic Practice

Workshop with Olive Bieringa

We live in a time of widespread individual and collective dissociation. It is easy to lose touch with our self and the world we live in. This workshop is an opportunity to slow down, center, and reawaken the inherent capacity to connect with the inner self and what is happening around us.

Ecosomatics is a dynamic approach to living and learning that involves us in embodied practices to enable us to have deeper relationships with our environment. In this workshop we will explore ecosomatic practices for living and dying with this more than human world. - An introduction for those who like to move (language of instruction English with German translation).

Sat. 19.10.2024 |7.30 pm | Kulturhaus Dock 4 - Studiobühne Deck 1| Oberste Gasse

Circling the Line – Body Cartography


What happens between different generations? Between countries?
What do we perceive in our bodies?
Circling the Line is the second work in Otto Ramstad's Lineage Series.
It uses “artistic genealogy” to build a relationship with ancestors and the country in which they lived.

Circling the Line is a father and daughter collaboration that moves from contemplating the past in the present to being in the present to create the future. It is a collaborative process of creation using dance, song and music.

Contributors: Otto and Uma Ramstad in collaboration
with Olive Bieringa (artistic director)

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Sun. 20.10.2024 | 11 am | Filmladen Kassel | Goethestraße 31

Breath Made Visible


A film portrait of the dance and performance icon Anna Halprin. The documentary by Swiss filmmaker Ruedi Gerber combines interviews and stage appearances with early performances by Anna Halprin. Previously unpublished archive material also provides insight into the history of socially and politically committed dance art in North America.

A film by Ruedi Gerber .
Switzerland/USA, 2009, 80 min.

In cooperation with the Filmladen Kassel.

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Sun. 20.10.2024 | 4:00-5:30 p.m. | Kulturhaus Dock 4 - Halle | Karl-Berhardi-Str.

From Feldenkrais into Dance

Workshop with Velia Malika Hahnemann

This workshop begins with a movement lesson in the Feldenkrais method. From there, with a good basis of calm and mindfulness, we move on to dance improvisations. The effect of the Feldenkrais method could be described as "allowing the deeper mechanisms of the body (breathing, balance, alignment, circulation, etc.) to work" - Moshé Feldenkrais. We use this naturalness of being in motion to discover organic self-organization and use it to express ourselves playfully and through dance.

For people with and without movement experience, open to people with physical limitations.

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Sun. 20.10.2024 | 7:00 p.m. | Kulturhaus Dock 4 - Zwischendeck | Karl-Berhardi-Str.

Upcoming Events


With Tanzhaus temporär N° 12, Tanzwerk Kassel is concluding a series of events that have provided a diverse insight into contemporary dance, not only in Kassel. Very different topics were brought into focus and the range of contemporary dance was demonstrated. At the end we want to celebrate and dance together!

For everyone who likes to dance.

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© tanz * werk kassel 2020

Funded by TANZPAKT Stadt-Land-Bund with the support of the German Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media.

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