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Tanzhaus temporär N°6

Permeable borders

18. - 20.08.2023

Curator: Deborah Manavi

The Tanzhaus temporär series of events at tanz*werk kassel is entering its 6th round.

Since September 2022, the series has been taking place regularly in different formats.

The series began with a performance walk in the Bergpark, followed by a site-specific performance.

Specific Performance - a site-specific performance in an empty shop, lecture performances, installations and dance performances. Last year Kassel's independent dance scene presented a diverse and exciting programme that reflected the current questions in dance.

Tanzhaus temporär No. 6, entitled Permeable Borders, deals with interpersonal

boundaries. The after-effects of the pandemic can still be felt in the way we meet, the

way we communicate, the way how we encounter in proximity and distance.

Two dance productions KLARE || KANTE by Tanzlabor Leipzig/Marlen Schumann and Atmosphärische Affäre by the Duo Kontrapunkt from Kassel bring the question "how to meet" in different ways on stage.

All performances will take place in the barrier-free Kulturhaus Dock 4, Halle.

The workshop on Saturday will take place at SOZO, the workshop on Sunday will be held at Dock 4. Maximum number of participants for both workshops: 14 people.

Tickets at the box office or via our ticket area
Tanzhaus-temporär ticket

For two Performances: 28€ | reduced 18€
Single ticket: 16€ | reduced 12€

For two Workshops: 35€ | reduced 25€

Single Workshop: 20€ | reduced 15

*Reservations: info (at)


Fr. 18. August | 19:30 Uhr | Dock 4 Halle | Karl Bernhardistr.


Atmosphärische Affäre

A wink of the eye, a point of the finger, a pat on the back.... Encounters take many non-verbal forms. We are already a bit further, closer, in touch, so to speak: Dynamics change through bonding. Something gets rolling between two personalities both are pulled along, resist, drop, stumble and discover new possibilities, rediscover themselves in the togetherness. The atmosphere around this affair is composed of impressions of the world outside the stage and rehearsal rooms: Environmental stimuli, everyday gestures and coincidences shape the scenery.

Concept & Performance: Angela Reimuth, Marie Simson (Duo Kontrapunkt)

Single ticket: 16€ | reduced 12€



Sat. 19. August | 20:00 Uhr | Dock 4 Halle | Karl Bernhardistr

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Dance performance

Three dancers from the Tanzlabor Leipzig explore spaces, boundaries and clear edges. Starting from chaos - a state of disorder and uncertainty - the Tanzlabor Leipzig team develops new spaces for action that demand a transgression of the familiar. Reliable structures and certainties are dissolved and new reciprocal dynamics arise inside and outside. Together, the dancers explore with their stubborn bodies what is different and new in these margins, they play with closeness and distance, examine spaces of (waiting), change perspectives and seek sovereignty on unfamiliar terrain - a testing of resonance and the expectations associated with it.


Concept & Choreography: Marlen Schumann

Concept & dramaturgy: Caroline Krämer

Dance & creation: Vasiliki Bara, Philip Lehmann, Katja Mieder

Concept & inclusive communication: Anna Müller

Sound & music design/composition: Fabian Widmann

Lighting design: Thomas Achtner, Sebastian Schachtner (LOFFT - DAS THEATER)

A production by Tanzlabor Leipzig under the artistic direction of Marlen Schumann & Team in Cooperation with LOFFT - DAS THEATER, Diakonie am Thonberg, culturtraeger, HörMal, Audiodeskription, Medienwerkstatt Leipzig, Leben mit Handcaps e.V. and visual translator - Simone Fass. Supported by the Landesdirektion Sachsen, the Cultural Office of the City of Leipzig as well as the Social Office of the City of Leipzig.

Einzelticket: 16€ | ermäßigt 12€


Sat. 19. August | 11:00-12:30 Uhr | SOZO Halle 2 | Grüner Weg 15 - 17

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Workshop Duo Kontrapunkt

The workshop aims to create a safe space for playful physical encounters. We will explore the complexity of contact in dance and try out different techniques to dance in a duett. One focus will be on strongly energetic approaches and a low-braking dynamic. Open to people with and without previous dance experience.

Workshop leaders: Marie Simson & Angela Reimuth (Duo Kontrapunkt)

Single ticket: 20€ | reduced 15€


Sun. 20. August | 11.00-12.30 Uhr | Dock 4 Halle | Karl Bernhardistr.


Workshop KLARE || KANTE

The workshop with perfomer Katja Mieder and choreographer Marlen Schumann refers to the working process of KLARE || KANTE. In the workshop we want to make this way of working comprehensible and tangible. We will try out how our movement possibilities change within a group due to boundaries.

What effects does the presence of others in the same space have and how do we react to spatial changes with our dance? In addition to trying things out physically, we also want to exchange our impressions verbally at the end of the workshop. The workshop concept is barrier-free and open to all. As places are limited, please register by 18 August.

Single ticket: 20€ | reduced 15€

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© tanz * werk kassel 2020

Funded by TANZPAKT Stadt-Land-Bund with the support of the German Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media.

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