Tanzhaus temporär Nº10
Political Body
21.06. - 23.06.2024
Curated by Angela Elsa Reimuth
The 10th edition of the event series Tanzhaus temporär by tanz*werk kassel e.V., entitled Political Body, promises audiences an exciting program of dance performances, performative workshops and a panel discussion from 21 - 23 June 2024. Audiences and dance professionals are invited to explore the question of the political potential and interpretability of dance.
For many, dance is abstract and ambiguous. Dance theater in Germany - shaped by Pina Bausch - is associated with social and socio-critical content. But doesn't the aesthetics of dance - beautiful, young, agile bodies moving gracefully to music - contradict the political discourses of today? Tanzhaus-temporär N°10 shows politically motivated works and provides insights into the diversity of backgrounds.
Tickets at the box office or via our ticket area
Tanzhaus-temporär ticket for 3 events: 38€ | reduced 30€
Single ticket | Double evening: 16€ | reduced 12€
Hospitality Lab: 20€ | reduced 16€
Sunday day ticket: 30€| reduced 26€
Discussion: 0€
*Reservations: info@tanzwerk-kassel.de
Fr 21.06.2024 | 19:00h | Kulturhaus Dock 4 – Halle | Karl-Bernhardi-Str.

The ANTI(dote)WEAPON Body
“The ANTI(dote)WEAPON Body” is a performance that combines radical live art, voice and dance based on an autoethnographic approach. The performance is a lived manifesto and invites the audience to observe and experience the performer's exploration of the following questions: “How to break free from embodied behaviors that stem from the TRIADE of colonialism, capitalism and white supremacy? How can we unlearn them to disrupt the system?”
It is about re-(dis)-covering my “unmatrixed” voice, motion, way of being, and behaving. It is my body in its wholeness without excluding no experience and unravelling on which aspect the TRIAD has rooted each one of those precise traumatic experiences.
Excerpt from a poem by the artist
Artistic direction, concept, voice and performance Gab Branco Sound Mar Esteban Martin
Dramaturgy Cora Laszlo & Gab Branco
Voice coach Emily Welther
Scene provocateurs Andrea Pagnes, daz disley, Fenia Kotsopoulou & Kayla Bowtell
Afterwards there will be an audience discussion with the artist about the background to the work and her artistic practices.
Sat. 22.06.24 l 19:30h lKulturhaus Dock 4 - Studiobühne Deck 1 l Oberste Gasse

no more nice girls
no more nice girls is about rebellion against the seemingly insurmountable binary standardization of our bodies and feelings. The performative reckoning with the cliché of the gentle, beautiful woman forces us on detours and past dusty images. We leave the space of vague emotional regularities and dive into the depths of the libidinal, the body and its dark symbolism. The cross-genre blending of language and dance allows us to pick up on the insane comedy of our binary, standardized world. Shifting between pink and red Barbie fantasies and brutally naked body realities, we ask what nice girls want.
Choreography, concept, performance Hannah Ruth Breuker, Agnetha Jaunich
Dramaturgy and co-direction Lauren Rae Mace
Stage design Seray Dalmis, Valeria Schwarzkopf
Assistance Paula Moré
Sun. 23.06.24 l 14:00h l Kulturhaus Dock 4 – Halle l Karl-Bernhardi-Str.

The Hospitality Lab
Performativer Workshop
We invite you to enter the laboratory of forgotten, ancient and reinvented hospitable practices. Your hosts, Larry Queen and Sharon Oddhorn, look forward to connecting with you!!! Whether you need a place to relax, be entertained, or meet a new friend, this performative workshop emphasizes roundabout, humorous, and creative ways to invite and care for each other's experiences.
Interested in how whimsical and ridiculous impulses can be active forms of resistance to normative ways of being and knowing, Hicks and Reynolds create a performative and interactive space to engage the audience in reflecting on an aesthetics of hospitality.
Participating artists: Laura Hicks and Ilana Reynolds
Duration: 90 minutes
The Hospitality Lab will be held in English, with the possibility of German translation if required.
Sun. 23.06.24 l 16:00h l Kulturhaus Dock 4 – Halle l Karl-Bernhardi-Str.

W A L K wie gehen
work in Progress
Rhetorical automatisms, which are used so inflationarily that they have become empty formulas from which hardly anything follows in terms of content, are the starting point for the choreographic work. The often phrase-like political communication and the use of quotations and their readily available pathos are subjected to artistic questioning and physically reflected upon.
Concept, choreography: Evelin Stadler
Dance: Children from the after-school care center of the Schule am Wall, Evelin Stadler
Sun. 23.06.24 l 17:00h l Kulturhaus Dock 4 – Zwischendeck l Karl-Bernhardi-Str.
Discussion | Dance and Politics
During THT N°10 we will deal with questions about the political potential of dance. The core of this examination is the discussion at the end of the weekend.
Together with the participating artists, we will reflect on the works on show and consider their approaches, intentions and impact. And we will question the wider context: to what extent is dance itself political, what political role does it play in society? And how can political concerns be concretized in dance? The discussion will be moderated by the cultural-political moderator, dance and theater critic Elisabeth Nehring. The audience is also invited to take part.
Moderation: Elisabeth Nehring
Participants: Gab Branco, Hannah Breuker, Agnetha Jaunich, Ilana Reynolds, Laura Hicks, Angela Elsa Reimuth and others. You, the audience, are also welcome to participate if you are interested
Duration: 90 minutes